深圳市观澜版画基地美术馆及交易中心 设计方案国际竞赛活动公告 (二次公告) International Design Competition of Art Museum and Trading Center for Shenzhen Guanlan Print Base (the 2nd proclaim) 一、获邀单位 Invited institutes 深圳市观澜版画基地美术馆及交易中心设计方案国际竞赛活动自2009年2月13日发布公告以来,得到国内外二百来家设计机构的大力支持。经过初审,确定了以下5家设计机构作为邀请单位: Since the Proclaim of International Design Competition of Art Museum and Trading Center for Shenzhen Guanlan Print Base was issued on Feb. 13th, 2009, we have received energetic supports from about 200 domestic and foreign design institutes. After preliminary trial, the following 5 design institutes are confirmed to be the invited institutes: 1、扎哈?哈迪德建筑师事务所/广州珠江外资建筑设计院(联合体) 2、凯达环球有限公司/中建国际(深圳)设计顾问有限公司(联合体) 3、深圳市都市实践设计有限公司 4、深圳中深建筑设计有限公司 5、蓝天合作社有限公司(蓝天组) 欢迎未获邀请单位参加设计竞赛(与获邀参赛单位的评审原则等同),并请自行踏勘现场(相关线路详见附件)。 We also welcome the institutes which had not been invited to participate in this competition (they will be considered as the invited institutes following the same appraisal principle); and they should visit the site themselves (related routes are given in the attachment). 二、咨询文件发布会及现场踏勘安排 Consultation document release conference and site visit arrangement 获邀单位请于2009年3月16日14时30分-15时00分,在深圳市规划局宝安分局(南山区深南大道11008号)二楼会议室领取相关招标文件;15时10分,集体乘车前往观澜版画基地进行现场踏勘,并现场答疑。 The invited institutes should receive tendering document in 2nd floor meeting room of Shenzhen Planning Bureau Bao’an Sub-bureau (11008 Shennan Avenue Nanshan District) from 14:30 to 15:00, 16th March, 2009; and then we collectively go to Guanlan Print Base by car for a site visit and scene Q & A Inquiry. 未获邀请单位请于2009年3月16日16时00分-17时00分,在观澜版画基地现场等候,参加现场答疑并获取相关招标文件。组织单位将准备30份相关资料(光盘)发放。 The institutes which had not been invited can wait at the spot of Guanlan Print Base from 16:00 to 17:00, 16th March, 2009, attend the scene Q & A Inquiry and receive related tendering document. Organization will prepare 30 related data (optical disk) to distribute. 感谢国内外设计机构对我们工作的支持。 Thank all domestic and foreign design institutes for supporting our work 特此公告。 Notice is hereby given. 本项目以后的公告敬请留意深圳市规划局网站:www.szplan.gov.cn The proclaim of this project in the future will be attached on the website of Shenzhen Planning Bureau: www.szplan.gov.cn 附件:现场踏勘的相关线路图 Attachment: Related route maps for the site visit 联 系 人:罗桥顺 唐碧林 Contact person: Luo Qiao-shun、Tang Bi-lin 联系电话:+86-0755-27888066 +86-0755-26978478 Telephone: 86-755-27888066、86-755-26978478 手 机:+86-15889654482 +86-13714197087 Mobile Phone: +86-15889654482、+86-13714197087 传 真:+86-0755-26978994 Fax: +86-755-26978994 |